About Me

Hi! I’m Holly Coby and I am yo-doula!

Yo what…?! 

Hang with me a second here, it may be a word I just made up, but, I think it is the PERFECT description for me…the ideal combo of yoga teacher next-door and birth-nerdy doula 🤓, ready to guide you through your best pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience EVER.

Outside of a trained pre & postnatal yoga teacher and birth doula, I am probably easiest identified as perpetually pregnant or breastfeeding as one is when they have 4 kids in 6 years. And just so there are no doubts in your mind that I have my hands full, they are ALL boys. SHUDDER. I share the load of these lovely humans with my husband, Kyle, which I obviously love a bit too much (can ya tell by the 4 kids in 6 years 😉), in our hometown of Vandalia, Ohio.

Ever since we began trying to have our first baby I dove in head first into ALL things pregnancy and birth and I have yet to come back out. When I got there, however, I quickly realized it is not all 🌈 & ☀️ or ‘nurturing light’ if you will, around this space, especially in the United States. Since then, I’ve wanted to find a way to support flipping the script in how us ladies view and experience this HUGE time in our lives and find a way to nurture the intuition that is already there, and thus Nurturing Light Yoga & Birth Services was born!

Want to connect with that power that is already inside you?

My family